miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017

Calm down folks!

Few days ago a radio program was banned because of something they were not supposed to say. The Ministry of Propaganda (because at such behavior It can´t ever be called Ministry of Communications. Actually it has another name) claimed the hosts have infringed upon the law (a very tricky one; the one why publicity went reduced from the media, but that’s another subject) because one of them told gay a seven years old boy who called them up and answered, based on a joke, that he preferred Cristiano Ronaldo instead of Messi. It was infamous, tweets came and went either supporting or condemning the program, which is why I want to write some. Most people don’t really care about something outside until it’s brought up to the media. I was a listener of the program and many times disagreed with the hosts, actually I reserve my opinion of them, but, and no question, they’ve been so very funny. I really liked it… 

Due to the incident everyone got something to say to them. Apparently the fact a child gets involved made everyone disgusted, especially those who don´t listen to the program. To me it’s easy to judge if the argument gets framed only for making feel in a certain way.  So it did. One of the most popular comments was that they screwed it up; and it got so strong that the host, next day, had to ask for an apology to a bunch of people who usually don´t listen to them. They did. 

As a lawyer, there are several perspectives, although we don’t work here in Venezuela the same way abroad. To be more specific, the parents of the child didn’t have to press charges, actually, according to what I’ve heard, the parents supported the program (why not? But that´s another subject) the program got shut because of an administrative procedure The State opened. Like I said, here it’s different. There is this methodology, kind of Orwellian; perhaps taken from Nineteen Eighty Four, where the sanctioned, besides being banned and vilified, have to say sorry just for the pleasure of a couple of chairmen; and it was so… 

There’s something called The Principle of Good faith as a pillar of The Law; and it declares that it is always presumed unless proving otherwise; and the otherwise hasn’t been proved yet. Besides, there are two points I’d like to share here: gay is an insult, so you can’t ever say it to a child, and to finish this: when morality comes from a position of power it is cynicism, and cynicism, as administrator, it is just nefarious… 

How about you? 
What do you think?

miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017

at least it wasn’t cash…

There’s no cash for everyone and if there is some left, it never last enough due to the prices. Venezuelans can withdraw five thousand bolívares per day, this is, today, the equivalent of twenty cents of a dollar, therefore; in order to get a “whole dollar” in cash, a person must go to the ATM daily at least five days straight, which means it might take a week to get a dollar.  Math aside, almost everything worth more than five thousand bolívares, so we move from this to that with debit cards, yes, debit cards because nobody in a store, not in a small one, actually accepts credit cards; but this is not to imply now. I went to a gas station store to buy this coolant fluid for cars and I’ve found it, which is a joy nowadays, but they were out of POS and I had to pay thirty thousand in cash, meaning six days of bank visiting. I kept walking. Two blocks after I’m watching a car parts shop, got in and they had the POS working but, you can guess, no fluid, so I went on, probably three blocks, asked again: no luck. Finally, A block away from the last sight I´ve found it, again the joy and the lady in the store tells me she must slide the card again because the connection fell down, I said no problem; I was amused, so I paid my shop and came back six or seven blocks to reach the office, got to my work station… about three four hours later I had to transfer some money, and there it’s when I noticed the purchase were charged twice… no further words for it; I was tired enough to walk again those blocks and explain something it wouldn´t be solved the same day, I just accepted because of weariness; I´ve lost that money. I said to myself: at least it wasn’t cash…

People have a lot of passion to tell and so little will to do so, these days at least. I’m feeling tired of such bravery in words at its lack of actions. Everyone who approaches is always suggesting, which sounds more like commanding, what to do or not to. This is no help, not at all; but after one figures out how to deal with, for example the fact I got charged twice for the same purchase, these “sayers”, obviously say: I told you… and perhaps because I’m losing my mind with so much lacking, I told myself again: at least it wasn’t cash…

lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017

and the slogan becomes a song…

I was having a little chat with some coworkers. One was saying about English importance: the treaties, the way to get in touch with the world, the advantages and, in general; all those things we’ve been always told but not so many cared. The interesting thing was what the other one said:  why English? That’s a language I won’t be submitted (and it won’t be necessary to write what else he said)

I pictured some scenarios in my head: let’s take this guy and sit him over a chair with power, let’s say he will be named a minister or a director: what kind of management would it be his? The possible answers of this question actually remove you from any doubt. It would be nefarious, just as it is Venezuela nowadays.

We’ve been living the time of free market and globalization; something opposing will hardly reach a common good. The only way a government controlled market may work is by sponsoring perceptions through alms; you see: I set up an insult, something that makes minds feel rather than understand, so perceptions get open through this sort of offensive feeling via, which also make them get eager, eager for an explanation, and the explanation comes, an archetype: there must be someone, someone evil, evil from abroad; and now I get why I’ve been poor, why wealth is a concept for frustration, then I start summarizing: what do I really want, or need? What the government gives: a box with several products so you don’t get hungry, but remember, this is not just to solve hunger, it isn’t. This is a struggle against the enemy, an enemy who imposed English and a wrong concept of wealth. I don´t know what’s wealth anymore. Wealth is what government tells, so you better start paying attention to its words, so its words become a slogan, and the slogan becomes a song…

What about now? Alms have been reduced because Oil price crumbled. Now the song is about production: what such a thing could be if you first told me I wasn´t responsible for who I’ve been? 

Now that I’m aware my ignorance was planted by the enemy… I just wait for my box of food.

Power is power, Cercei said.